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About Math Music Science

Hi! I'm Mari. I majored in chemistry, minored in applied math, and almost minored in music. There's so much out there about math, music, and science that I decided to start this blog to list what I've found.

By mari , 15 December, 2014

The Voice is on tonight. I haven't watched it in a few weeks and I probably won't watch it tonight but I was glad to hear DaNica Shirey sing Joni Mitchell's Help Me. I heard it all the time on the radio as a kid but never truly appreciated it until I heard Ms Shirey perform it again.

I like watching The Voice especially during the Blind Auditions. The show also helps me learn what music is popular nowadays.

I was speaking with the kids and one of their friends. I was surprised to learn that they listen to most of their music from Youtube playlists. When they hear something they really like, they'll buy it from iTunes.

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